Spring Security @RolesAllowed JSR250 Kotlin

Although Spring Security provides means to secure the web tier using XML markup, it’s also critically important that developers also secure backend method to ensure that methods. This post demosntrates an application in which a developer forgot to secure a web form but luckily the backend code is secured and provides a safe guard against such an error.

Enabling JSR250

Spring Boot takes a declaritive approaching to enabling method security, but we also need to provide it with an authentication manager.

//The next annotation enabled @RolesAllowed annotation
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(jsr250Enabled = true)
//We need to extend GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration and override the configure method
//This will allow us to secure methods
class MethodSecurityConfig : GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration(){

    override fun configure(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
        //In our case, we are going to use an in memory authentication

fun configureAuthentication(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder){
            .withUser("bob").password("bob").roles("ADMIN", "USER")
            .withUser("gene").password("gene").roles( "USER")

We create a class that extends GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration. We turn the method security on by annotating this class with @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity. By default, Spring uses it’s own @Secured annotation so if we want to use the JSR standard, we need to pass true to the jsr250Enabled annotation. Then our MethodSecurityConfig class needs to override the configure method and add an authentication scheme.

Readers may be wondering what the difference is between @Secured and @RolesAllowed annotations. There doesn’t seem to be much as both annotations seem to do the same thing. There is the possibility that other software libraries may act on @RolesAllowed and if there is such as concern, then use @Secured.

Securing Methods

Once we have enabled method security, we only need to decorate our specific methods. Here is a service class used in the example application.

//This is our class that we are going to secure
class BurgerService(@Autowired val burgerRepository: BurgerRepository){

    fun init(){
        //Just popuplates the DB for the example application
        val burgers = listOf(
                BurgerOfTheDay(name = "New Bacon-ings"),
                BurgerOfTheDay(name = "Last of the Mo-Jicama Burger"),
                BurgerOfTheDay(name = "Little Swiss Bunshine Burger"),
                BurgerOfTheDay(name = "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Zucchini Burger"))

    fun destory(){
        //Clean up the DB when done

    //Any user can add a new BurgerOfTheDay
    @RolesAllowed(value = *arrayOf("USER", "ADMIN"))
    fun saveBurger(burgerOfTheDay: BurgerOfTheDay) = burgerRepository.save(burgerOfTheDay)

    //But only adminstrators get to delete burgers
    @RolesAllowed(value = "ADMIN")
    fun deleteBurger(id : Long) = burgerRepository.delete(id)

    //Any user gets to see our Burgers
    @RolesAllowed(value = *arrayOf("USER", "ADMIN"))
    fun allBurgers() = burgerRepository.findAll()

The @RolesAllows annotation takes an array of allowed roles. In our case, we are letting anyone with the USER role to add burgers, but only ADMIN users are allowed to delete burgers. If a user without the ADMIN role attempts to invoke deleteBurger, an AccessDeniedException is thrown.

Catching Security Violations

Kotlin has no concept of checked exceptions, but Java users should note that Spring’s security exceptions are all RuntimeExceptions. If we want to report a security violation back to the user, we need to catch our security exceptions. Here is an example Controller class that handles security violations.

class IndexController(
        @Autowired val logger : Logger,
        @Autowired val burgerService: BurgerService) {

    fun doGet(model : Model) : String {
        model.addAttribute("burgers", burgerService.allBurgers().toList())
        return "index"

    fun saveBurger(
            @RequestParam("burgerName") burgerName : String,
            model : Model) : String {
        try {
            model.addAttribute("burgers", burgerService.allBurgers().toList())
            model.addAttribute("info", "Burger has been added")
        } catch (e : Exception){
            when (e){
                is AccessDeniedException -> {
                    logger.info("Security Exception")
                else -> logger.error(e.toString(), e)
        } finally {
            return "index"

    fun deleteBurgers(
            @RequestParam("ids") ids : LongArray,
                      model: Model) : String {

        var errorThrown = false

        ids.forEach {
            try {

                //If the user doesn't have permission to invoke a method,
                //we will get AccessDeniedException which we handle and notify the user of the error
            } catch (e : Exception){
                when (e) {
                    is AccessDeniedException -> {
                        model.addAttribute("error", "Only Bob gets to delete burgers!")
                        logger.info("Security error")
                    else -> logger.error(e.toString(), e)
                errorThrown = true
        model.addAttribute("burgers", burgerService.allBurgers().toList())
            model.addAttribute("info", "Deleted burgers")
        return "index"

You’ll ntoice that the deleteBurgers method looks for AccessDeniedException (which is handled by Koltin’s powerful when block). In our case, we report an error that only Bob get’s to delete burgers.

Putting it all together

Here is a video of a sample web application that demonstrates this code in action.

The code for the example application is available at my GitHub page.

You can also learn more about Spring MVC by referring to the following posts.

Spring Boot Caching with Kotlin

It’s fairly common for applications to continually ask a datastore for the same information repeatedly. Requests to datastores consume application resources and thus have a performance cost even when the requested data is small. The Spring Platform provides a solution allows applications to store information in an in memory caching system that allows applications to check the cache for the required data prior to making a call to the database. This example shows how to use Spring Boot and Kotlin to cache files that we are storing in the database.

Database Entity

We are going to define a database entity that stores files in a database. Since retrieving such data can be an expesive call to the database, we are going to cache this entity.

data class PersistedFile(
        @field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var id : Long = 0,
        var fileName : String = "",
        var mime : String = "",
        @field : Lob var bytes : ByteArray? = null)

You will notice that this class has a ByteArray field that is stored as a LOB in the database. In theory, this could be as many bytes as the system allows so ideally we would store this in cache. Other good candidates are entity classes that have complex object graphs and may result in the ORM generated complex SQL to retreive the managed object.

Enable Caching

Spring Boot defines a CachingManager internally for the application. You are free to use your own, but you need to configure your Spring Boot environment first.


You need to have spring-boot-starter-cache in your pom.xml or other dependency manager.



You also need to tell the environment to turn on caching by using the @EnableCaching

@EnableCaching  //Spring Boot provides a CacheManager our of the box
                //but it only turns on when this annotation is present
class CachingTutorialApplication

Decorate the Caching Methods

At this point, we only need to decorate the methods we want the environment cache. This is done by decorating our methods with the @Cacheable annotation and then providing the annotation with the name of a cache. We can also optionally tell the cache manager what to use for the key. Here is the code for our service class followed by an explanation.

//We are going to use this class to handle caching of our PersistedFile object
//Normally, we would encapsulate our repository, but we are leaving it public to keep the code down
class PersistedFileService(@Autowired val persistedFileRepository: PersistedFileRepository){

    //This annotation will cause the cache to store a persistedFile in memory
    //so that the program doesn't have to hit the DB each time for the file.
    //This will result in faster page load times. Since we know that managed objects
    //have unique primary keys, we can just use the primary key for the cache key
    @Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("persistedFile"), key="#id")
    fun findOne(id : Long) : PersistedFile = persistedFileRepository.findOne(id)

    //This annotation will cause the cache to store persistedFile ids
    //By storing the ids, we don't need to hit the DB to know if a file exists first
    @Cacheable(cacheNames = arrayOf("persistedIds"))
    fun exists(id: Long?): Boolean = persistedFileRepository.exists(id)

The first method, findOne, is used to look up a persistedFile object from the database. You will notice that we pass persistedFile as an argument to cacheNames and then use the primary key as the key for this item’s cache. We can use the PK because we know it’s a unique value so we can help make the cache more performant. However, keep in mind that the key is optional.

We can also avoid another call to the database by storing if items exist in the database in the cache. The first time exists() is called, the application will fire a count sql statement to the database. On subsequent calls, the cache will simply return true or false depending on what is stored in the cache.

Putting it all together

I put together a small web application that demonstates the caching working together. I turned on the show sql property in the applications.properties file so that viewers can see when the application is making calls to the database. You will notice that the first time I retreive the persisted file, there is sql generated. However, on the second call to the same object, no sql is generated because the application isn’t making a call to the database.

You can get the complete code from my GitHub page at this link.

Here are some links to posts that are related to concepts used in Spring Boot that we used today.

Spring Boot Kotlin & MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that works really well with Kotlin and Spring Boot. MongoDB is incredibly useful in situations where the structure of data isn’t known prior to writing the application. For example, picture a blogging website where users can enter any number of comments or response. Modeling such a data structure would be difficult in a relational database, but it’s much easier with Mongo.

In this example application, we are going to use MongoDB to document Restaurants with any number of employees (of course, a simple example such as this can be done in a relational database, but let’s go with this for simplicity sake). The cool part using Mongo with Spring Boot is that there is zero configuration providing you are using default settings. This let’s us jump right into our code.

Let’s begin by creating a couple of data classes to store in our database.

//Create a document class
//that persists to the DB
data class Restaurant(
        //Mark this field as the document id
        @field: Id var name : String = "",
        //Unstructured Data Here
        var employees : List = mutableListOf())

//This class embeds directly into Restaurant
//without any annotations
data class Employee(var name : String = "",
                    var position : String = "")

Our Restaurant class is annotated with @Document to mark it as a persistable class. We also annotate the name field with the Id annotation to mark it as the document id. This value has to be unique in the database. The other class is Employee which does not have any annotations at all. It’s used as a property in the Employees database and the persistence provide is able store all of employee objects embedded in Restaurant.

Our next class is a repository class which Spring will generate the implementation for us. Before this can happen, we have to enable mongo repositories. All we need to do is annotate a configuration class to make this happen.

@EnableMongoRepositories //Allow Spring to Generate Mongo Repositories
class Config

Once we have enabled the mongo repositories, we just need to define an interface that extends MongoRespository.

//Spring will implement our interface for us!
interface RestaurantRepository : MongoRepository

Now let’s make a controller class to test our application. See this post for an explanation of Spring MVC.

//Example Controller class for demonstration purposes
class IndexController(
        //We can inject our RestaurantRepository class, Spring will
        //provide an implementation
        @Autowired private val restaurantRepository: RestaurantRepository){

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
    fun doGet(model : Model) : String {
        model.apply {
            addAttribute("restaurant", Restaurant())
            //Query all Restaurants
            addAttribute("allRestaurants", restaurantRepository.findAll())
        return "index"

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doPost(@RequestParam("name") name : String,
               @RequestParam("employees") employees : String,
               model : Model) : String {
        val restaurant = Restaurant(name = name,
                                    employees = parseEmployees(employees))
        //Save the new restaurant
        model.apply {
            addAttribute("restaurant", Restaurant())
            //Query all Restaurants
            addAttribute("allRestaurants", restaurantRepository.findAll())
        return "index"

    fun parseEmployees(employees : String) : List {
        val employeeList = mutableListOf()
        val parts = employees.split('\n')

        parts.forEach {
            val subParts = it.split(",")
                    Employee(name = subParts[0],
                            position = subParts[1]))
        return employeeList.toList()

Notice that we can directly inject RestaurantRepository into our controller. Spring does the work of providing an implementation for our controller class. In our doPost() method, we call restaurantRepository.save() to save our new document. In both doGet() and doPost(), we call restaurantRepository.findAll() to pull back all of our restaurants stored in the database.

Now we just need an HTML template to provide us with front end code.


Here is an example of the application when run.

As you can see, Spring Boot combined with Kotlin makes it really easy to persist data into MongoDB. We only need to define a few data classes and allow Spring to make our Repository classes for us in order to get started.

You can view the code for this project at my GitHub page at this link.

Spring Boot JPA Kotlin

Spring Boot provides a ready made solution to working with Java Persistence API (JPA). The post discusses how to make a basic web application that reads and writes employees to a database. We can also count how many employees have a certain name. This will all be done using Spring’s JPA features and the Kotlin programming language.

Spring Boot provides us with a data source on its own with very little configuration. Of course, we are free to connect the application to remote databases as well. To get started, we need to fill out some properties in the application.properties file found in src/main/resources



The first property, spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop tells the application to scan for all classes annotated with @Entity and create database tables for us. The persistence provider does the work of generating database definition language (DDL) and creating our database schema for us.

The second property configures Hibernate to act as our persistence provider. This is required because JPA is a specification. It requires a 3rd party library (Hibernate, EclipseLink, etc) to actually implement the specification. Finally, we need to tell the application what JDBC driver to use. This should match our database. In this case, we are using HSQLDB so we load their JDBC driver.

Database Entity

We need to create one or more persistant objects that are mapped to the database. In this case, we only have 1, an Employee Class, that we are using to map to a database table.

//This class maps to a table in the database
//that will get created for us
data class Employee(
       @field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var Id : Long = 0, //Primary Key
       var name : String = "", //Column
       var position : String = "") //Column

Kotlin provides data classes for these sort of situations. The first property is annotated with Id and serves as the Primary Key. The GeneratedValue annotation tells the persistence provider to generate primary key values for us. The other two properties, name and position, end up becoming columns in the database table. When persistence provider scans this class, it will issue the correct commands to the database and generate an employee table with an primary key columna and two VARCHAR columns. Each instance of the Employee class that we store will become a record in the table.

Automatic Repositories

Spring is capable of generating @Repository classes for use when working with JPA. These repositories come fully loaded with 18 methods that handle all of our CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) methods and provide container managed transactions. We can even create our own custom queries using a naming convention and Spring will infer what needs to be done.

However, before we can have Spring generate our repositories for us, we need to tell it to do so. That’s pretty easy because all we need is a small configuration class.


//The next line tells Spring Generate our JPA Repositories
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = arrayOf("com.stonesoupprogramming.jpa"))
class Config

The package passed to the @EnableJpaReposities tells Spring where to look for repository interfaces. In order to make a Repository for the Employee class, we only need to declare an interface that extends JpaRepository.


//The Implementation for this class is generated
//by Spring Data!
interface EmployeeRepository : JpaRepository <Employee, Long>{

    //Define a custom query using Spring Data
    fun countByNameContainingIgnoringCase(name : String) : Long

At no point will we ever write an implementation for this interface. When Spring sees this interface, it will generate an implementation class that is fully loaded and ready for our application to use. Technically, this interface could be empty, but we do have one method countByNameContainingIgnoringCase(String). Let’s discuss it.

Spring JPA Repositories are capable of defining queries on our persiteted objects provided that we follow the proper naming convention. Let’s take apart countByNameContainingIgnoringCase and discuss what each part means.

  • count — We are defining a count query
  • ByName — The syntax here is By[Property]. Our Employee class has a Name property, so we write ByName. If we wanted to use Position instead, it would be ByPosition
  • ContainingIgnoringCase — This is the predicate of the query. We are looking for anything containing a string value (in this case) and we are ignoring the case.

So in the end countByNameContainingIgnoringCase defines a query that means what it says. We are going to get a count of all records where the name contains a certain name and the name is not case sensitive. Spring is able to parse this name and create the correct query for us.

Put it in Action!

I wrote an MVC application that demonstrates how to use these concepts in a web application. Here is the code for the controller.

class IndexController(@Autowired private val employeeRepository: EmployeeRepository) {

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
    fun doGet(model : Model) : String {
        model.apply {
            addAttribute("employee", Employee())
            addAttribute("showName", false)
            addAttribute("employees", employeeRepository.findAll().toList())
        return "index"

    @RequestMapping("/employee_save", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doEmployeeSave(employee: Employee,
                       model : Model) : String {
        model.apply {
            addAttribute("employee", Employee())
            addAttribute("showName", false)
            addAttribute("employees", employeeRepository.findAll().toList())
        return "index"

    @RequestMapping("/employee_count", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doEmployeeCount(@RequestParam("name") name : String,
                        model : Model) : String {
        val count = employeeRepository.countByNameContainingIgnoringCase(name)
        model.apply {
            addAttribute("employee", Employee())
            addAttribute("showName", true)
            addAttribute("count", "Number of employees having name $name: $count")
            addAttribute("employees", employeeRepository.findAll().toList())
        return "index"

Even though we never wrote an implementation for EmployeeRepository, we can safely inject an instance of EmployeeRepository into our controller class. From this point, we have an HTTP GET method and two POST methods. The doEmployeeSave calls employeeRepository.save() and saves the incoming Employee object to the database. It also calls employeeRepository.findAll() and sends all employee records back to the view.

The doEmployeeCount calls our custom employeeRepository.countByNameContainingIgnoringCase method and returns a count of how many employee records contain the given name. We can pass this number back to the view. Once again, we are using employeeRepository.findAll().

This is the HTML code that works with the IndexController class.


The JPA cababilities provided by Spring Boot make developing ORM applications a breeze and it’s worth while to leverage them. For one thing, we only have to write a fraction of the code that we might have to write otherwise, but we are also less likely to introduce bugs into the application because we can trust the implementation of the JPA Repository classes and the persistence provided SQL generating capabilities.

Here are some screen shots of the finished application.

You can download the code at my GitHub page here or visit the YouTube tutorial.

Kotlin Stream Image from Database

Many web applications allow users to store images for later. For example, you may want to allow users to upload a profile picture that gets displayed later on in the application. This post demonstrates how to upload an image to a web application and store the image in a database. Then we will see how to display that image in a browser.


The key to storing an image in a database is to use @Lob annotation in JPA and make the datatype as a byte array. Here is an example class that stores byte array in the database.

data class PersistedImage(@field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var id : Long = 0,
                          //The bytes field needs to be marked as @Lob for Large Object Binary
                          @field: Lob var bytes : ByteArray? = null,
                          var mime : String = ""){

    fun toStreamingURI() : String {
        //We need to encode the byte array into a base64 String for the browser
        val base64 = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes)

        //Now just return a data string. The Browser will know what to do with it
        return "data:$mime;base64,$base64"

Kotlin has a ByteArray class. In Java you would use byte []. The effect is the same either way. When persistence provider scans this class, it will store the byte array as a Lob in the database. Nevertheless it’s not enough to simply store an image in the database. At some point in time, the user will most likely wish to see the image. That’s there the toStreamingURI() method comes in handy.

The first line uses DatatypeConverter to convert the byte array to a base64 string. Then we can append that string to “data:[mime];base64,[base 64]”. In our example, we use Kotlin’s String template feature to build such a String. We start with the data: followed by the mime (such as /img/png). Then we can add the base64 string created by DatatypeConverter. This string can get added to the src attribute of the html img tag as shown in the screen shot below.

The browser knows how to display this string as an image.

File Uploads

It’s worth while to discuss how files are upload in Spring. Spring has a MultipartFile class that can get mapped to the a file upload input tag in the form. Here is how it looks in the HTML code.
There are a couple of things that are critical for this to work. First, we have to set our applications.properties file to allow large file uploads.


Next our form tag has to set the enctype attribute to “multipart/form-data”. Finally we have to keep track of the name attribute on our input tag so that we can map it to the server code. In our example, our input tag has it’s name attribute set to “image”.

On the server end, we use this code get an instance of MultipartFile.

@RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doPost(
            //Grab the uploaded image from the form
            @RequestPart("image") multiPartFile : MultipartFile,
               model : Model) : String {
        //Save the image file
        model.addAttribute("images", imageService.loadAll())
        return "index"

We annotate the multipartFile parameter with @RequestPart and pass to the annotation the same name attribute that we set on our input tag. At this point, the container will inject an instance of MultipartFile that represents the file that the user uploaded to the server. The MultipartFile class has two attributes that are critical to our purposes. First it has a byte array property that represents the bytes of the uploaded file and it has the file’s MIME.

We can use Kotlin’s extension functions to add a toPersistedImage() method on MutlipartFile.

fun MultipartFile.toPersistedImage() = PersistedImage(bytes = this.bytes, mime = this.contentType)

This method simply returns an instance of PersisitedImage that can get stored in the database. At this point, we can easily store and retrieve the image from the database.


The demonstration application is a regular Spring MVC application written in Kotlin. You can refer to this post on an explanation on how this works. Here is the Kotlin code followed by the HTML code.

Kotlin Code

package com.stonesoupprogramming.streamimage

import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service
import org.springframework.ui.Model
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestPart
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile
import javax.persistence.*
import javax.transaction.Transactional
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter

class StreamImageDbApplication

fun main(args: Array) {
    SpringApplication.run(StreamImageDbApplication::class.java, *args)

data class PersistedImage(@field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var id : Long = 0,
                          //The bytes field needs to be marked as @Lob for Large Object Binary
                          @field: Lob var bytes : ByteArray? = null,
                          var mime : String = ""){

    fun toStreamingURI() : String {
        //We need to encode the byte array into a base64 String for the browser
        val base64 = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes)

        //Now just return a data string. The Browser will know what to do with it
        return "data:$mime;base64,$base64"

//This is a Kotlin extension function that turns a MultipartFile into a PersistedImage
fun MultipartFile.toPersistedImage() = PersistedImage(bytes = this.bytes, mime = this.contentType)

class DataConfig {

    fun sessionFactory(@Autowired entityManagerFactory: EntityManagerFactory) :
             SessionFactory = entityManagerFactory.unwrap(SessionFactory::class.java)

class ImageRepository(@Autowired private val sessionFactory: SessionFactory){

    fun save(persistedImage: PersistedImage) {

    fun loadAll() = sessionFactory.currentSession.createCriteria(PersistedImage::class.java).list() as List

class ImageService(@Autowired private val imageRepository: ImageRepository){

    fun save(persistedImage: PersistedImage) {

    fun loadAll() = imageRepository.loadAll()

class IndexController(@Autowired private val imageService: ImageService){

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
    fun doGet(model : Model) : String {
        model.addAttribute("images", imageService.loadAll())
        return "index"

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doPost(
            //Grab the uploaded image from the form
            @RequestPart("image") multiPartFile : MultipartFile,
               model : Model) : String {
        //Save the image file
        model.addAttribute("images", imageService.loadAll())
        return "index"







Spring and Kotlin make it easy to embed images in a database and display those images in a browser. The main take away is to define a byte array property as a Lob on persisted image and then convert it to a base64 String when you wish to display it. Here are some screen shots of the working application.

You can get the source code for this project at my GitHub here or watch the video tutorial on YouTube.

Kotlin Spring Security Hibernate Login

In a previous post, I showed how we can use Spring Security with JDBC to store user creditionals in a database. This approach works fine in small projects but I find it to be limiting in larger applications. Many larger applications prefer to use some sort of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library to handle storing mapped objects to a database. This post shows how to configure Spring Security to use Hibernate to look up saved users in a database.


Spring Boot uses an application.properties file to configure the application. By default, Spring Boot provides an embedded datastore for the application. We only need minor configuration to make it work with Hibernate.


The first line tells the application to scan any classes marked with the @Entity annotation and create database tables for these objects. The next line configures tells it that we wish to use Hibernate. The final line tells the application which JDBC driver to use to interact with the database.

Mapped Objects

Hibernate (and other ORMS) use decorated objects to map to the database. In many cases, these are simply objects that have a list of fields and getters and setters (POJOs) and overide equals() and hashcode(). In most cases, this ends up causing a lot of boiler plate code. Kotlin provides us with data classes that cut down on the noise.


Spring Security tracks user roles throughout the application, so we need a class to represent user roles.

data class Roles(@field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var id : Int = 0,
                 @field: ManyToOne(targetEntity = SiteUser::class) var user : SiteUser,
                 var role: String = "")

This class defines a POKO (Plain Old Kotlin Object) that represents Roles. It’s very boring, but readers will notice how to annotate fields in Kotlin [@field: [Java Annotation]]. So in the case of @Id, we just use @field: Id. The same holds true for @ManyToOne and other JPA annotations.


Since Spring Security has a User class, I find it to be more readable to name our persistent user as SiteUser.

        FetchProfile(name = "default",
                fetchOverrides = arrayOf(
                        FetchProfile.FetchOverride(entity = SiteUser::class, association = "roles", mode = FetchMode.JOIN)))
data class SiteUser (@field: Id @field: GeneratedValue var id : Int = 0,
                     var userName: String = "",
                     var password: String = "",
                     var enabled : Boolean = true,
                     var accountNonExpired: Boolean = true,
                     var credentialsNonExpired: Boolean = true,
                     var accountNonLocked : Boolean = true,
                     @field: OneToMany(targetEntity = Roles::class) var roles: MutableSet = mutableSetOf()){

    //Convert this class to Spring Security's User object
    fun toUser() : User {
        val authorities = mutableSetOf()
        roles.forEach { authorities.add(SimpleGrantedAuthority(it.role)) }
        return User(userName, password,enabled, accountNonExpired, credentialsNonExpired, accountNonLocked,authorities);

This is another data class with JPA mappings. The SiteUser class have a one to many relationship to Roles (in other words, one user can have multiple roles). Hibernate lazily loads collections by default, so unless we explicilty tell it to eager fetch our user roles, we will get a proxy error later on the in application.

There are several ways to work around this issue. We can use HQL (Hibernate Query Language) to eagerly load Roles. Another solution it to pass FetchType.Eager argument to the OneToMany annotation. A final approach is the one seen here and that’s to use Fetch Profiles to instruct Hibernate what to load. One advantage of FetchProfiles is that a class can have multiple fetch profiles, so using FetchProfiles is a highly flexible solution.

The other thing to note about this class is how to hooks into Spring Security. This class has a toUser() method which is a utility method that converts our SiteUser object into a Spring Security User object. If you look closely, the fields on our SiteUser class are the exact same fields as the User class. This makes it really easy to convert a SiteUser to a User.

Since we configured the application.properties to generate our database DDL (spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop), Hibernate will see to the details of scanning our Roles and User class and generated the necessary database tables for us. There is no further work for us to do at this point regarding the data store.

Data Configuration

Our next job is to provide Spring Security with a path to look up Users from the database.


Spring Security needs a path to the database in order to look up User objects. That means we are going to need Repository and Service classes in the application, but those classes depend on a SessionFactory object from Hibernate.

class DataConfig {
    fun sessionFactory(@Autowired entityManagerFactory: EntityManagerFactory) :
            SessionFactory = entityManagerFactory.unwrap(SessionFactory::class.java)

We really just need a bean definition for a SessionFactory. Spring Boot is configured to use JPA (Java Persistence Api), which is the ORM standard that Hibernate and other ORM libraries implement. There two main advantages of using the standard JPA rather than vendor API.

  1. Other developers are likely to know the standard API over vendor specific APIs
  2. You can swap ORM libraries when sticking to the standard

In reality, I have never been on a project that switched ORM libraries and there are times when an ORM library offers features that aren’t offered in a standard. Since we know that we are going to use Hibernate, we can just unwrap the SessionFactory object from the injected entityManagerFactory and just return the SessionFactory. At this point, we can inject SessionFactory into our classes and use Hiberante API directly.


UserRepository works directly with the database.

//Inject SessionFactory into this class
class UserRepository(@Autowired private val sessionFactory: SessionFactory){

    //Used to save new users into the datastore
    fun saveOrUpdate(user: SiteUser){

    //Query the database by user name and return a SiteUser that matches
    //the user name
    fun loadByUsername(userName: String) : SiteUser =
            sessionFactory.currentSession.createCriteria(SiteUser::class.java, "su")
                    .add(Restrictions.eq("su.userName", userName)).uniqueResult() as SiteUser

    //Return all Site Users from the database
    fun allUsers(profile : String = "default") : List {
        val session = sessionFactory.currentSession
        return session.createCriteria(SiteUser::class.java).list() as List

You will notice that we inject SessionFactory into this class. Spring Security needs to query the database by the UserName, so loadByUsername uses Hibernate’s Criteria API to create a query that searches for users that match the user name. The other two methods in this class are not related to Spring Security but are used by the application. The saveOrUpdate() method is used to persist a new user into the databse. The allUsers() method returns all users stored in the database.


The UserService class provides the glue between Spring Security and the Database.

@Transactional //Have Spring Manage Database Transactions
@Service //Mark this class as a Service layer class
class UserService(@Autowired private val userRepository: UserRepository) //Inject UserRepository into this class
    : UserDetailsService { //To work with Spring Security, it needs to implement UserDetailsService

    //Load a user by user name and call our toUser() method on SiteUser
    override fun loadUserByUsername(userName: String): UserDetails  = userRepository.loadByUsername(userName).toUser()

    //Saves a new user into the datastore
    fun saveOrUpdate(user : SiteUser){
        //Encrypt their password first
        user.password = BCryptPasswordEncoder().encode(user.password)

        //Then save the user

    //Return all users
    fun allUsers() = userRepository.allUsers()

Spring provides container managed transactions when a class is marked @Transactional. The important part of this class is that it implements UserDetailsService, which allows this class to get passed to Spring Security when we configure our authentication (next section). The loadByUsername method comes from the UserDetailsService interface. It returns a User object, which means we need to call our toUser() method that we defined on SiteUser() to convert SiteUser() to User().

The other method of interest is the saveOrUpdate() method. You will notice that we encrypt our User’s password prior to saving the object to the database. This is a critical step because without it, anyone could peek into our database and get our users password. We also need to encrypt the passwords because we configure our authentication to decrypt passwords later on.

Configuring Spring Security

Now that we have a path that allows the application to access and retreive users from the databse, we are ready to configure Spring Security.


The SecurityConfig class does the work of configuring our Spring Security in this application.

class SecurityConfig(@Autowired private val userService : UserService) : //Inject UserService
        WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() { //Extend WebSecurityConfigureAdaptor

    //Override this method to configure Authentication
    override fun configure(auth: AuthenticationManagerBuilder) {
                .userDetailsService(userService) //We pass our userService to userDetailsService
                .passwordEncoder(BCryptPasswordEncoder()) //Pass our Encryption Scheme also

    override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {


The configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) is our method of interest. The auth object has a userDetailsService method that accepts any class that implements UserDetailsService. Since our UserService class implements this interface, it can be used as a value for the userDetailsService method. At that point, our Security is linked to our database. The other method is passwordEncoder that takes an instance of ByCryptPasswordEncorder(), the same class used UserService to encrypt our passwords. Now the AuthenticationManagerBuilder can speak to our database and decode our passwords.

Controller Class

At this point, our application is configured to work Spring Security and a database. Our next two classes setup Spring MVC so that we have a working example.


RegisterController is used to add users to the application.

class RegisterController(@Autowired private val userService: UserService){

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
    fun doGet(model: Model) : String{
        model.addAttribute("user", SiteUser())
        return "register"

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.POST))
    fun doPost(siteUser: SiteUser) : String{
        return "redirect:/display"


UserDisplay controls the display page and shows all users in our database.

class UserDisplay(@Autowired private val userService: UserService){

    @RequestMapping(method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET))
    fun doGet(model: Model) : String{
        model.addAttribute("users", userService.allUsers())
        return "display"

Web Pages

Finally we have our web pages. One page allows us to register a user, and the other one shows all of our users.






Here are some screenshots of what the working site looks like when finished.

As you can see, Spring Security works fluently with ORM solutions such as Hibernate. This makes it much easier to add and retreive users in a web application!

You can clone the full source for this project from my GitHub page here or view the YouTube view here.

Node.js Rest Service Calls

In many instances, an application may need to make a call to a REST service to retrieve relevant information. The Node.js request package offers support for this sort of task.

Begin by creating a Node.js application using Handlebars as the template engine. You can either use your IDE or follow this tutorial to do this from the command line.

Once you have created a skeleton project, head over to OMDB to request an API key. You will get an email that will contain an API key. Then type npm install request to install the request package. Once you have the email, create a keys.js file in the routes folder.


The keys.js file is used to hold API keys. Since API keys are like passwords, it’s generally a bad idea to push them to a public repository. By placing them in a file, you can import the keys into a project and then add them to .gitignore to keep them save. Here is what the keys.js file should look like.

exports.omdb_api = 'Your API Key';


The index.js is used for HTTP GET and POST requests to our application. You can view this tutorial to get an idea of how MVC works in Node.js with Express. We are going to mainly focus on the POST portion of this file.

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var key = require('./keys.js').omdb_api;
var request = require('request');

var movie = [];

/* GET home page. */
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.render('index', { title: 'Rest Example', movie: movie });

router.post('/', function(req, res){
    var query = req.body.query;
    var url = 'http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=' + key + '&t=' + query + '&y=&plot=short&r=json';

    //Clear out movie
    movie = [];

    request(url, function(error, response, body){
        //Check for HTTP Status OK
        if (response.statusCode === 200){
            //Convert the body to a JSON object
            var json = JSON.parse(body);

            //Check if it has an error
                movie = json.Error;
            } else {
                //Otherwise, add our movie information to movie
                    title: json.Title,
                    year: json.Year,
                    imdb: json.Ratings[0].Value,
                    tomatoes: json.Ratings[1].Value,
                    country: json.Country,
                    plot: json.Plot,
                    actors: json.Actors
        } else {
            //We had something other than HTTP OK
            //Push an error to movie and just pass the body
            movie.push({Error: body});
        //Render the index page
        res.render('index', {title: 'Rest Example', movie: movie[0]});

module.exports = router;

We begin on line 3, where we import our keys.js file and grab it’s omdb_api variable. This variable holds our API key and will be used to create our URL for our web request. On line 6, we create a movie variable and initialize it to an empty array.

Our POST handler is located on line 13. One line 14, we grab the name of the movie the user wishes to inspect from the req.body.query variable. On line 15, we assemble our url by adding our API key and movie name to the url string.

Line 20 uses the request package to make a call to the OMBD API. It takes two parameters, a url and a call back function. The callback function can have 3 parameters: error, response, and body. We are interested in response and body in this case. Our first job is to check the HTTP status code from response.statusCode. If everything is OK, the response will be 200 (for HTTP OK). Assuming all went well, we can convert the body variable into a JSON object so that we can access the properties of the response.

If the user happens to enter a move that doesn’t exist, the json will have an Error property. We will just assign this to the movie variable is that’s the case. Otherwise, we can create a new object containing title, year, imdb, tomatoes, country, plot, and actors (lines 31-38) and push it to movies. Finally we can return the reponse body back to the view and render the index page (line 47).


We need to add our Jquery and Bootstrap libraries to our layout.hbs file so that they are available to our pages.


This page renders the results our request.
The main take away is that we use the {{#if [value]}} markup so that the template engine can decide if it wants to render the error or movie information.


When everything is complete you will get a site that looks like the one shown in the screenshots below.

You can view the full source at my GitHub page here.

Create Node.jS & Handlebars & Express.js Project from command line

It’s trivial to create an empty Node.js project using express generator using the command line. You can follow the guide found at this link for the official express generator example or just keep reading.

Begin by opening up your terminal and navigate to any folder on your file system. Keep in mind that the project will be created as a sub-directory of the folder you choose. If you haven’t installed express generator then execute the following command.

npm install express-generator -g

This command will install express generator on your system. Once the installation is complete, you can create an express project with the handlebars view engine using this command.

express --hbs [application name]

Replace [application name] with the name of your application. For example express -hbs myhbsproject. The script will create a folder in the current directory that has the same name as your application. You should see terminal output that looks similar to the screen shot.
If you look closely, the script tells you the next two steps. First you need to install the dependencies.

cd [application name]
npm install

Once again, npm will do the job of downloading all required project dependencies.
Finally, you can run the project by issuing the next command in the terminal.

DEBUG=[application name]:* npm start

You will see this output in the terminal.
When the server is running, you can open up your web browser and point it at http://localhost:3000/ to see the default homepage.

Folder Structure

For those people who are curious, you will get the following folder structure when using express generator to create a project.
The public folder is for files such as client side javascript, css, and images that can be referenced by a web page. You should put your server js in the routes folder. All handlebar template files should get placed in the views folder.

You can view the YouTube video here.

Node.js & Spotify

Spotify provides APIs that allow developers to write client applications. This tutorial will demonstrate how to use Node.js to create a simple web application that queries Spotify for information about a particular song. Start by creating a Node.js application with a folder structure that resembles the one shown in this screenshot. You can view a tutorial one how to do this at this link or use your IDE.
Folder_Structure You will want to have the following dependencies in your package.json file.

  "name": "spotifynode",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node ./bin/www"
  "dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "~1.17.1",
    "cookie-parser": "~1.4.3",
    "debug": "~2.6.3",
    "express": "~4.15.2",
    "hbs": "~4.0.1",
    "morgan": "~1.8.1",
    "node-spotify-api": "^1.0.5",
    "serve-favicon": "~2.4.2"

Spotify requires developers to create application keys in order to use their APIs. Follow the guide provided here in order to create a developer account with Spotify. Once you have created an application, you will need to retain the application id and secret.

Start by creating a keys.js file in the routes folder. It should look like the following example.


exports.spotifyKeys = {
    id: 'Spotify Id Here',
    secret: 'Spotify Secret Here'

The next thing to do is to write the server side code that handles HTTP GET and POST requests. Here is the code for index.js.


var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();

//Import the Spotify API
var Spotify = require('node-spotify-api');

//Import our Keys File
var keys = require('./keys');

//Create a Spotify Client
var spotify = new Spotify(keys.spotifyKeys);

//Store the results of a request to spotify
var results = [];

/* GET home page. */
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.render('index', {title: 'Spotify', results: results});

router.post('/', function (req, res) {
    //Get the type of Query from the User
    var type = req.body.param_type;

    //Get the query from the user
    var query = req.body.param_query;

    //Clear out old results
    results = [];

    //Make a request to Spotify
    spotify.search({type: type, query: query})
        .then(function (spotRes) {

            //Store the artist, song, preview link, and album in the results array
                results.push({artist: ea.artists[0].name,
                              song: ea.name,
                              preview: ea.external_urls.spotify,
                              album: ea.album.name});
            //Render the homepage and return results to the view
            res.render('index', {title: 'Spotify', results: results});
        .catch(function (err) {
            throw err;

module.exports = router;

This code sets up two handlers for GET and POST requests. More details about how to do this can be found in this post. We begin on line 5 by importing the Spotify API into our script. Then we pull in the keys.js file we created earlier so that we can authenticate with Spotify. The next line creates a spotify object and we pass our creditionals to its constructor.

The next point of interest is the spotify.search found on line 32. The spotify.search function takes in two arguments, type and query. The type argument specifies the type of query and the query is the actual search criteria that we are going to send to the API. The spotify library will make correct rest calls to the Spotify API and it will return a response.

Inside of the body of the promise function, we push some information about the song to the results array so that we can display it to the view. In this case, we are going to grab the artist, song, a preview url, and the song’s album. We then return it to the view for display in a table.


We can use Handlebars to markup a template page that will get returned to the browser from the server.


When run, the application will look like the following screenshots.

You can view the source from my GitHub page at this link.

Node.js Handlebars Twitter

Twitter provides REST APIS that make it incredibly easy to access information from Twitter. When combined with Node.js, it becomes a trivial task to create a web application that connects to Twitter and displays the latest tweets for a User.

In order to begin, you will need to register at Twitter’s developers page. The details page will give you several tokens that you will need to connect to Twitter: consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, and access_token_secret. Keep this information handy as you will need it for later.

Now we can create the project. I use Intellij’s node.js plugin to create my project, but you will want to create a project structure that is similar to the one shown in the following screenshot. You can view a tutorial one how to do this at this link or use your IDE or you may find the directions at Express.js to be useful as well.
Once you have created your project (making sure you have express.js and handlebars.js), you will need to add Twitter. Open up the terminal and navigate to your project’s directory. Then type

npm install twitter

At this point you are ready to begin developing.

Create a keys.js file in your routes folder. Then populate it with the following code. You will use the consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, and access_token_secret properties that you obtained earlier on Twitter’s developer’s page and replace the values in this file accordinly.

exports.twitterKeys = {
    consumer_key: '[your consumer key here]',
    consumer_secret: '[your consumer secret here]',
    access_token_key: '[your access_token_key here]',
    access_token_secret: '[your acess_token_secret here]',

The next job is to write the index.js file that handles HTTP GET and POST requests. (You can view this tutorial for more information). The code is very short as we are only handling a GET and POST request.

//Pull in our libraries
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var Twitter = require('twitter');

//Get our access keys
var keys = require('./keys.js');

//Create twitter client
var twitter = new Twitter(keys.twitterKeys);

//Store our tweets
var tweets = [];

/* GET home page. */
router.get('/', function (req, res) {
    res.render('index', {title: 'Node Twitter', tweets: tweets});

router.post('/', function (req, res) {
    //Get the user name and number of tweets from the form
    var user = req.body.user_name;
    var numTweets = req.body.tweets;

    //Clear out old tweets
    tweets = [];

    //Hit Twitter for the information
    twitter.get('statuses/user_timeline', {screen_name: user, count: numTweets})
        .then(function (tw) {
            //Loop through the results
            for (var i = 0; i < tw.length; i++) {
                tweets.push({timestamp: tw[i]['created_at'], tweet: tw[i]['text']});
            //Render the index page with the tweets
            res.render('index', {title: 'Node Twitter', tweets: tweets});
        .catch(function (error) {
            throw error;

module.exports = router;

The magic of retrieving tweets is done with the twitter.get(). This function takes a rest endpoint (see here for a list) along with a map of arguments that end up becoming URL parameters in the request. Since we are getting the user’s tweets, we are going to hit the statuses/user_timeline endpoint. The screen_name argument is the users Twitter name and count is the number of tweets that are getting returned.

The Twitter api returns a massive JSON response that holds just about every detail we could ever want to know about a Tweet. We are only interested in when the tweet was created and the text of the tweet. So we loop through the tw (the response object) and just grab those two properties and push them into our tweets array. When we have finished, we will pass tweets back to the view and render the index page.

Our final job is to define our html templates. Since we are using Bootstrap and jQuery, we will need to add these libraries to layout.hbs.
Next we need to write our index.hbs template. Here is the source.
Line 25 starts with {{#if tweets}}. This is a conditional rendering tag that only renders the code between 25-42 if there are tweets to display. Without it, we would write out the table between lines 26-41 when there are no tweets, which would not make a lot of sense.

Once we have tweets, the #if condition will be true and the page will write out a table of tweets. The code on line 34-39 will write out a table row for each tweet that is contained. When we are finished, we will get this output.

You can get the code out my GitHub page here or view the video tutorial on my YouTube channel.